Blame it on Facebook with all its silly quizzes, random name generators (which by the way, generated my supposedly gay name: Susumosumo Jumujulaylay, which I obviously can’t help getting over with) and fun fun fun games that I left this blog, er..actually all my “online” spaces stagnant and hanging. But enough about Facebook. So Ralph & I recently took a trip to Kaiserslautern, Germany. This trip was actually work-related leaving us little room for exploration and discovery. Actually, the best thing about this trip is the Food - good ole American, Thai, Mexican and German food, so be warned!

Kaiserslautern or K-town is considered “Small America.” In fact, this is probably one of the few places in Europe where Europeans or Germans for that matter, speaks English and loves it! So getting around, alongside with TomTom GPS was a cinch. K-town is definitely a to-go place for homesick Americans living in Europe. The fare from Italy via RyanAir is fairly economical, with taxes and all - the total summed up to 250e for two. It was about an hour or so so flight so it wasn’t that bad. We flew in from Frankfurt Hahn and drove another hour to K-town. Scenery? Priceless. The pointed German houses and the windmills twirling lazily in the meadows along the route were absolutely stunning. A postcard picture-worthy indeed!

Once we arrived, we went to eat at Mama’s House for dinner, an American owned resto serving uber delish Southern Food. Ralph ate BBQ ribs with of course rice, while I ordered fried catfish with baked potatoes and mac and cheese.The next day was basically spent in preparation for the banquet we were attending – uniform and all. For Lunch: Chili’s. Craving for a really good American cheeseburger for the longest time, guess what I got? Ralph ate buffalo chicken wings with blue cheese dressing and a good molten dream cake for dessert.So the day after the banquet, we got to roam a little bit downtown K-town. We went to walk around the city square with all shops and got some really good finds. Most of the shops were American shops, Claire’s included! Huge malls also surround the area, which contains furniture stores and even Toys R Us. Again, for food: Lunch – Schnitzel House, authentic German food. I’m not even kidding! And then for Dinner – Thai Restaurant, hmmm…well I tasted better but still doable especially in Germany.Our trip lasted about 4 days. Although, we didn’t get to see Lego Land, the inspiration for the Disney Castle and the Berlin Wall, it was still a breath of fresh air from Italy. The convenience of having to know what other people are saying actually makes the trip worthwhile! So I hope, the next time I blog about Germany will actually be about those three places I badly wanted to visit though they are all apart from each other. Stay tuned! Oh wait, did I mention the Mexican Restaurant, the chips and salsa were good too!

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