A Speedy Visit


Oh dear Weebly blog, how I have neglected thee, but certainly for good and not-so-good reasons. The past weeks whizzed by faster than the speed of light. I turned my resignation in from my previous job thinking I will get more time prepping for what is to come. So, what is to come Weebly? Concrete answers, I obviously have none, only hopes, plans and dreams. But what came, stooped and scooped me up from the blogosphere? uhmmm...well, some Wednesday cooking, intense studying, and some instantaneous traveling. 

The cooking, which I enjoyed very much I did as a favor for one of our good "Ate's", but failed to find soon enough, how prepping weekly dinner for a 100 becomes quite the time monger. Between those culinary takes, my mind tried to wrap itself around math, science, language, social studies, US history and emergent literacy theories (WTH? my thoughts exactly). In a nutshell, the magic number was 22-6-4-2. After 22 years, I had to review all the lessons during my six years  in elementary plus four years in high school in two weeks. Oh, and then some. Next thing we knew, it was a whirlwind visit to US of A via the military's space available flight - an almost free, first come first serve flight, if, an available plane arrives that is. Precarious, ain't it?

All these studying is really of course, meant to pass the required exams for this MA program I  am applying for. Because what are the odds really that these exams are not offered in Italy frequently? So cue Michael Giacchino's Married Life. Bags packed and travel size toothpaste ready, we took our chance for a plane trip to Maryland. Fast forward 24-hour flight later, we embrace all convenience America has to offer. How we have become amnesiacs on the ease of finding things, points and places, of the wide roads and sensible signs, the ruins of communication barriers and oh yes, Pizza Hut's large, ultimate stuffed crust pizza for $12.99, an Oreo Sonic Blast, a Cherry-flavored classic slush and a classic Ben's chili dog! Nom...Nom...Nom. Talk about culture shock or should I say, culture mirth? And while still buried in books and historical websites with only about a week of leave, we managed to scratch some things off our Eat, Play, See lists.
Pizza Hut, Sonic, Chick & Ruth's Delly (Man v Food featured resto), Ben's Chili Bowl (Man v Food featured resto), Horace & Dickie's Seafood (Man v Food featured resto), Applebee's, Galae Thai Restaurant, Starbucks, McDonalds (hmmm...classic)
Washington Monument, The White House, Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Lincoln Memorial, Reflecting Pool (currently under construction), World War II Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Constitution Gardens, National Air & Space Museum*, Chinatown, Urban Outfitters, Library of Congress*, State Capitol* 
"Limitless" movie at an AMC theater, Visit one of our friends, Look for Sarah Vowell books, Pass (PASSED) the Praxis, and  Talk-time with friends!!!!
This and all in hopes of becoming America's Next Top Teacher. Going back to Italia, well, that's a whole different story. In four words: Got.Stuck.In.Delaware. I guess, small is the gate and narrow the road towards those dreams. At least, this road was interesting.  

*Ralph only =,(

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